About Us
AQUA TREAT (PVT.) LTD. has been providing value to its customers since 1989.
Scale Guard is a state of art technology founded by Aqua Treat Pvt. Ltd. It is a simple & customer friendly solution instead of laborious water treatment methods used, with high recurring costs and raising inventory, causing loss of productivity to the customers.
At ATPL we emphasize on providing value to our customers with high quality product & services.
The company is certified under ISO 9001:2000 for its quality standards.
Our mission, “Giving our customers a long lasting, environmental friendly and world-class product accompanied with impeccable services”.
Since its origin our company has focused in delivering to its customers a long lasting, cost effective, and convenient product supported with continuous services.
20 years of Excellence!
Although our technology has led the change in this arena, we owe a great deal of our success to the support of our customers. Moving forward, we hope our past achievements are just a sign of great things to come.
Aqua Treat has been reinforcing its commitment to prompt and efficient customer care and services in last 20 years
In coming years also we will be providing quality, commitment and services through new organizational ethos and capabilities.